
Showing posts from April, 2018

Hot in Hungary

READ MORE Europe has been separate in dual over a past few days. Not politically, though meteorologically. Western tools have felt a brunt of some really soppy and, during times, breezy weather. Just over a week ago, temperatures were into a top 20s Celsius. We are now saying highs struggling to strech double figures. It begs a doubt of where a feverishness has gone. The answer is that it has drifted over Central and Eastern Europe. The anticyclone that dominates a continue now lies over a Balkans. It has dragged comfortable southerly winds from a Mediterranean to a Baltic states. Here, a skies are clear, and as a increasingly clever open fever gathers strength, temperatures have rocketed upward. None some-more so than in Hungary where annals have been broken. They had their warmest Apr night on record. The heat in Sandorfalva, in a southeast of a country, did not tumble subsequent 18.7C. The prior low was 17.4C in Budapest set in 1966. This comfortable start to a day led to a new da...

Climate change: Coping with extremes

READ MORE Rising tellurian temperatures have been related to changing continue patterns. Drought, storms, wildfires  – impassioned continue have recently turn a normal and conditions will usually wear unless things change. earthrise travels to southern Kenya and to Myanmar to see how a locals in these areas are coping with impassioned weather.  Navigating Drought in Kenya In drought-stricken Kenya life for all residents, and quite a herding community, has been zero reduction than devastating. Erratic continue patterns and a augmenting effects of climate change have led to a miss of foliage and H2O resources jeopardising a presence of stock and a pastoralist approach of life. Maasai herders in southern Kenya have to quit to greener pastures to safeguard their cattle are fed in a midst of a H2O apparatus crisis. [Maria Jan/Al Jazeera] “Last drought, when we migrated nearby Tanzania, we mislaid roughly 15 beasts. It’s a large impact, we felt it, it was unequi...

Les affaires d'abus sexuels dans l'Eglise catholique

READ MORE Le renvoi en procès flow des accusations d’agressions sexuelles anciennes du numéro 3 du Vatican, le principal australien George Pell, est le dernier exemple en date des multiples affaires d’abus sexuel qui ont ébranlé l’Eglise catholique dans de nombreux pays. – Australie – Le principal de 76 ans a plaidé non coupable des faits qui lui vaudront d’être jugés et qui sont inconnus du grand public. Mais au-delà de son cas personnel, Mgr Pell avait reconnu avoir “failli” dans sa gestion des prêtres pédophiles dans l’Etat de Victoria dans les années 1970. Une elect d’enquête royale créée en 2013 flow évaluer les réponses institutionnelles apportées aux accusations de pédophilie avait affirmé en février 2017 que sept flow cent des religieux catholiques australiens avaient fait l’objet d’accusations d’abus se...

Amazon crée 3.000 emplois dans l'IA et le "cloud" à Vancouver

READ MORE Le géant américain de la vente en ligne Amazon a annoncé lundi, en compagnie du Premier ministre canadien Justin Trudeau, l’embauche d’ici 2022 de 3.000 nouveaux employés à Vancouver, qui seront spécialisés dans l’intelligence artificielle et le “cloud”. Amazon va investir et rénover une ancienne poste du centre-ville de la métropole de la côte pacifique canadienne afin d’accueillir ses nouveaux collaborateurs. Ce nouveau “Tech Hub” sera dédié aux technologies liées au e-commerce, au “cloud” (informatique dématérialisée) et à l’intelligence artificielle avec le “machine learning” (apprentissage des machines), a indiqué dans un communiqué la compagnie américaine, établie à Seattle à 240 km au sud de Vancouver. Cet investissement “témoigne de la race active diversifiée et h...

Iran: Fighting 'terror' publicly, mourning the dead secretly

READ MORE Since the start of the Syrian uprising in 2011, Iran’s military footprint in Syria has gradually increased. In the early days of the war, Tehran’s intervention was limited to sending military advisors to train Syrian forces. Today, it is recruiting and commanding a number of Shia militias which have become the dominant pro-regime forces on the ground. In the spring and summer of 2013, as opposition forces advanced across Syria, it was the Iranian military effort that saved the Assad regime.  The rise of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant ( ISIL , also known as ISIS) in 2014 allowed Tehran to legitimise its Syria involvement as a “war on terror” and increase its military presence. That year, the conventional military forces, the Artesh, joined the  Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps  (IRGC) and its Afghan and Pakistani Shia militias (the 14,000-strong Fatemiyoun Division and the 5,000-strong Zeynabiyoun Brigade, respectively) and...

India's forests are under threat

READ MORE According to the World Wide Fund for Nature, we are losing 130,000 square km of forest cover every day. Another  study  by the Center for Global Development shows that if the  loss of vegetation continues unabated at this rate, forests covering an area nearly the size of India will be destroyed by 2050.  This rapid loss of natural forest across the world is increasingly concerning. Forest goods and services, once thought to be abundant, are now a scarce resource. This affects not only half the world’s land-based species of plants and animals, but also more than a billion people that are dependent on forests for livelihood. The situation in India is no different.  India has been trying to achieve its target of keeping  33 percent of its geographical area under forest cover for decades, but the 2017 State of Forest  report shows that it is still struggling to get above 22 percent. India has seen rapid deforestation in r...

1er Mai: la "convergence des luttes" passe son tour cette année

READ MORE Manifestations pour les uns, projection de film pour les autres, le 1er Mai syndical sera à nouveau organisé en ordre dispersé, avec un risque de débordement par des groupes extrémistes dans le défilé parisien. Traditionnellement, la journée internationale des travailleurs n’est pas l’occasion de faire bloc pour les syndicats, à quelques exceptions près, comme le 1er mai 2002. Ce jour-là, 1,3 million de personnes avaient manifesté (selon le ministère de l’Intérieur) à l’appel de la CGT, de la CFDT, de FO, la FSU et de l’Unsa pour “faire barrage” à Jean-Marie Le Pen. L’an passé, les syndicats n’ont pas réussi à s’entendre sur une position commune face à la présence de Marine Le Pen au second tour de l’élection présidentielle. Cette année ne fait pas exception en terme de division des centrales s...

Pékin arrache un allié à Taïwan en se rapprochant de la République dominicaine

READ MORE La République dominicaine a établi mardi des relations diplomatiques avec la Chine populaire, Pékin arrachant ainsi un allié à Taïwan, qui ne peut plus compter désormais que sur la reconnaissance de moins d’une vingtaine de partenaires officiels à la surface du globe. Le document établissant les relations diplomatiques a été signé solennellement à Pékin par les ministres des Affaires étrangères des deux pays dans une pièce décorée aux couleurs de la Chine et de l’Etat des Caraïbes. L’accord “apportera d’énormes opportunités pour le développement de la République dominicaine”, a assuré le ministre chinois, Wang Yi, lors de la cérémonie pendant laquelle ont retenti les hymnes des deux pays. “Cela donnera un nouvel élan aux relations entre la Chine et l’Amérique latine”. “Nous a...

Court upholds Const. James Forcillo's 6-year prison term in Sammy Yatim streetcar shooting

READ MORE An Ontario court has dismissed Toronto police Const. James Forcillo’s appeal of his attempted murder conviction in the shooting death of 18-year-old Sammy Yatim. In the same decision, it opted to uphold his six-year prison sentence.  In 2016, the trial judge sentenced Forcillo to six years in prison following an unusual verdict by the jury. Bill Yatim, Sammy’s father, wrote in a statement on Monday that he was “very relieved” by Monday’s decision. “I am grateful that the conviction and original six-year sentence is being upheld. Still, Mr. Forcillo has shown no remorse,” he wrote. Ed Upenieks, the family’s lawyer, said he hoped this would be the end of criminal proceedings but “time will tell.” Video of shooting sparked fierce debate Forcillo was one of the first officers on scene that night and the only one to fire his weapon. He fired an initial three shots, which caused Yatim to fall to the floor of the...

EU's chief Brexit negotiator calls for agreement on Irish border

READ MORE The EU’s chief Brexit negotiator has called for an agreement on the Irish border ahead of a summit in June. Michel Barnier is visiting the border between Northern Ireland, which is part of the UK, and the Republic of Ireland. He repeated warnings that Britain leaving the single market and customs union could result in a hard border.   Al Jazeera’s Laurence Lee reports from the border. Article source: Best Wordpress Plugin development company in India       Best Web development company in India

Interpol operation rescues hundreds of human trafficking victims

READ MORE Hundreds of suspected victims of human trafficking have been rescued by police in 13 countries throughout the  Caribbean and Latin America. The international police organisation Interpol  said on Monday  nearly 350 victims – who may have been subjected to  sexual exploitation and forced labour –  had been saved as part of a project to combat human trafficking in the region. Police arrested 22 individuals during Operation Libertad raids, carried out between April 3-9, which marked the culmination of the Canadian government-funded two-and-a-half-year effort, Interpol said. Tim Morris, Interpol’s e xecutive director of police services, said in a statement on Monday the operation had shown the “power of Interpol [in] providing a platform for the 13 participating countries”, which included Brazil, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago and Venezuela among others. “But what sits behind these numbers is ...

La Maison Blanche accorde un nouveau sursis à ses principaux alliés sur l'acier

READ MORE La Maison Blanche a consenti lundi soir à prolonger jusqu’au 1er juin la période d’exemption provisoire des droits de douanes sur les importations d’acier et d’aluminium du Canada, du Mexique et de l’Union européenne, évitant une escalade dans le conflit commercial. “L’administration (Trump) a prolongé de 30 jours les négociations avec le Canada, le Mexique et l’Union européenne”, a-t-elle indiqué dans un communiqué, tout en soulignant qu’elle resterait au cours des négociations “focalisée” sur la préservation de la sécurité nationale des Etats-Unis. Le président américain Donald Trump a promulgué le 8 mars des tarifs de 25% sur les importations d’acier et de 10% sur celles d’aluminium tout en exemptant immédiatement le Canada et le Mexique. Fin mars, il a en outre exempté provisoirement l’UE. M...

Ashley Judd poursuit Weinstein pour avoir "ruiné sa carrière"

READ MORE L’actrice Ashley Judd a porté plainte lundi contre le producteur déchu Harvey Weinstein au tribunal de Los Angeles, l’accusant d’avoir ruiné sa carrière après qu’elle eut résisté à son harcèlement sexuel. La comédienne fut l’une des premières à avoir brisé le silence sur le producteur, accusé d’avoir harcelé, agressé sexuellement ou violé une centaine de femmes, dont des stars comme Angelina Jolie, Gwyneth Paltrow ou encore Léa Seydoux. La plainte affirme que M. Weinstein a annihilé ses chances d’apparaître dans la trilogie fantastique de Peter Jackson “Le seigneur des anneaux”, l’une des plus lucratives de l’histoire du cinéma, en affirmant au réalisateur et à sa co-productrice que travailler avec la comédienne était “un cauchemar”. “Avec ces attaques sans fondement, Wei...

Selfies from space? Blue Origin rocket tests secret 'space communicator' for orbital tourists

READ MORE Welcome to  The National Today newsletter , which takes a closer look at what’s happening around some of the day’s most notable stories. Sign up here  and it will be delivered directly to your inbox Monday to Friday. TODAY: Blue Origin’s Sunday space launch carried a  super-secret “space communicator” designed to let astronauts and future orbital tourists send space-selfies home  A trio of suicide blasts in Afghanistan today that left more than 30 dead underscores the gruesome contest between ISIS and the Taliban to be the country’s most destructive force Missed The National last night? Watch it here Wi-Fi space race Space tourism took leap forward Sunday with the successful test launch of Blue Origin’s  New Shepard rocket system. The reusable booster and capsule blasted off from the west Texas desert and reached an altitude of 106,000 metres — crossing the boundary between the...

Ottawa claims price on carbon could cut 90 million tonnes of emissions by 2022

READ MORE An Environment Canada analysis says the federal government’s carbon pricing plan could eliminate up to 90 million tonnes of carbon dioxide by 2022. That’s roughly equivalent to taking more than 20 million cars off the road, and accounts for about 12 per cent of the total amount of what Canada emitted in 2016. The report marks the first time Ottawa has provided a specific estimate of the impact of its $50-per-tonne carbon price, despite months of demands from the Conservatives that it show what the measure would do to lower emissions. Using models of what carbon pricing does to human behaviour and economic growth, the analysis also projects economic growth of about two per cent a year, with or without carbon pricing. All provinces but Saskatchewan are signatories to the Pan Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change, which requires them to have a minimum $20-per-tonne price on carbon by the start of next year, increasing to $50 by 2022. Canada also plans...

Trump postpones decision on imposing steel and aluminum tariffs on Canada to June 1

READ MORE With just hours remaining before Canada’s exemption from new U.S. tariffs on steel and aluminum was set to expire, the United States postponed its decision on whether to impose the tariffs until June 1. U.S. President Donald Trump ordered sweeping tariffs in March of 25 per cent on steel imports and 10 per cent on aluminum, but granted temporary exemptions to certain countries. In the case of Canada and Mexico, Trump’s administration tied both countries’ tariff exemptions to the successful renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement. Canada’s exemption period was officially set to end at midnight April 30. But late Monday, Trump decided to give Canada, Mexico and the European Union another month to work out a deal with the Americans. The Trump administration issued a statement saying it had come to a final agreement with South Korea on steel imports and had reached agreements in principle on steel and alu...