
Showing posts from March, 2018

Farming in the US facing a tough future

READ MORE The family farm has a special status in American rural life. Travel the heartland of the US and you’ll find yourself surrounded by corn, soya beans and cattle. But many small holdings are consolidating into super-farms. Some agricultural states such as Indiana are trying to change that but face a tough road ahead. Al Jazeera’s John Hendren reports. Article source: Best Wordpress Plugin development company in India       Best Web development company in India

Philippines drug war victims taking refuge in faith

READ MORE Easter celebrations this year are taking on a special significance for families caught up in President Rodrigo Duterte ‘s crackdown on illegal drugs. Fifteen family members gather in a solemn ceremony. They are widows and orphans of the so-called “drug war”. They come from the poorest sector of society and they say their faith has become their refuge at a time of great uncertainty. Al Jazeera’s Jamela Alindogan reports from Manila. Article source: Best Wordpress Plugin development company in India       Best Web development company in India

Pollution de l'air: la France transmet ses feuilles de route à Bruxelles

READ MORE Le gouvernement a indiqué samedi que les feuilles de route pour lutter contre la pollution de l’air étaient en cours de transmission à la Commission européenne, comme l’avait exigé le Conseil d’État. Le ministère de la transition écologique a réuni les 14 feuilles de route dont les éléments seront transmis à la Commission Européenne comme prévu, a-t-il précisé à l’AFP ajoutant qu’elles seraient rendues publiques la semaine prochaine. La haute juridiction avait sommé en juillet l’exécutif d’agir contre la pollution de l’air, responsable de près de 50.000 décès prématurés par an. Le Conseil d’État, saisi par l’association Les Amis de la Terre, enjoignait le Premier ministre et le ministre de la Transition écologique de prendre, “dans le délai le plus court possible”, “t...

Etats-unis: des accidents mortels avivent les craintes sur les voitures du futur

READ MORE Le constructeur de voitures électriques américain Tesla a indiqué que le système de pilotage automatique “Autopilot” était activé lors d’un accident mortel cette semaine en Californie ce qui vient accentuer les craintes sur les risques associés au développement des voitures du futur. Le système “Autopilot” est une forme de pilotage automatique qui reste toutefois encore éloigné de la conduite autonome qui ne demande aucune intervention du conducteur. Il est considéré comme faisant partie du niveau deux sur les cinq que compte cette technologie encore en plein développement. Dans un blog, Tesla a indiqué que la voiture, une Model X, soit son plus récent modèle, a percuté une glissière de sécurité en béton sur une autoroute le 23 mars près de Moutain View, en Californie. Le conducteur, identifié par la presse locale comme étan...

Canadian basketball star Steve Nash officially receives call to Hall of Fame

READ MORE Canadian Steve Nash, Jason Kidd and Grant Hill are among the 13-member class that will be inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame in September. The Hall of Fame made the announcement Saturday on Twitter before the NCAA Final Four semifinals. The inductees also include Ray Allen, Maurice Cheeks, Tina Thompson, coach Lefty Driesell, Charlie Scott, longtime executive Rick Welts, NBA executive Rod Thorn, Katie Smith, the late Ora Mae Washington and Croatian star Dino Radja. Nash, from Victoria, and Kidd were two of the greatest point guards of their generation. Nash is a two-time NBA most valuable player and eight-time all-star while Kidd earned 10 all-star selections. Smile if you are a a href=”;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”#HOFer/a. 😁 a href=”;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”#18HoopClass/a a href=”” mdash; @...

Thailand: Migrant registration deadline to expire soon

READ MORE In Thailand , a deadline for hundreds of thousands of migrant workers to register with the government is about to expire. The prime minister is threatening to arrest anyone who fails to comply. It’s thought that there are more than three million migrant workers, around half of them without visas. Al Jazeera’s Wayne Hay reports from Samut Sakhon, Thailand. Article source: Best Wordpress Plugin development company in India       Best Web development company in India

What does Seoul think of Kim Jong-un's landmark visit to China?

READ MORE On March 26, a crew from Japan’s Nippon TV filmed an old-fashioned, dark green train’s arrival in Beijing. The footage prompted much speculation about the identity of the passengers onboard, as the train was coming from North Korea and its arrival caused Chinese authorities to tighten security around the train station and the Chinese capital. Two days later, on March 28, China’s official news agency Xinhua finally  announced  that the green train had been carrying North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and his wife Ri Sol-ju on their first foreign trip since Kim came to power in 2011. The news caused an international media frenzy and launched numerous think pieces about North Korea and China’s intentions in the run-up to the two highly publicised summits: one between Kim and South Korean President Moon Jae-in in April, and the other between Kim and US President Donald Trump in May. In South Korea, however, the news about Kim’s vis...

Un jihadiste malien remis à la CPI pour des crimes de guerre

READ MORE Un jihadiste malien accusé de crimes contre l’humanité et de crimes de guerre a été remis samedi à la Cour pénale internationale (CPI), où il devra répondre d’atrocités commises à Tombouctou en 2012 et 2013. Al Hassan Ag Abdoul Aziz Ag Mohamed Ag Mahmoud est accusé d’avoir participé à la destruction de mausolées dans la ville malienne et d’être responsable de viol et d’esclavage sexuel commis dans le contexte de mariages forcés. “Il aurait participé à la politique de mariages forcés dont des tombouctiennes ont été victimes, qui ont donné lieu à des viols répétés et à la réduction de femmes et de jeunes filles à l’état d’esclaves sexuelles”, a indiqué la CPI dans un communiqué. Des accusations de torture pèsent également contre le jihadiste, qui a ét...

Présidentielle au Costa Rica: évangéliste conservateur contre ex-ministre de centre-gauche

READ MORE Le Costa Rica choisit dimanche son prochain président, alors que ce pays, vu comme la “Suisse de l’Amérique centrale”, apparaît plus divisé que jamais entre deux choix de société opposés: le conservateur Fabricio Alvarado et le candidat de centre gauche Carlos Alvarado. Les deux hommes, d’anciens journalistes aimant pousser la chansonnette mais sans lien de parenté, sont au coude-à-coude dans les sondages, avec une légère avance pour le premier, un pasteur évangéliste de 43 ans, fermement opposé au mariage homosexuel. Il affronte un ex-ministre de 38 ans qui propose au contraire plus de présence de l’Etat dans l’économie et pour défendre les droits de l’homme, dont les unions entre personnes du même sexe. A la différence de son opposant, vedette de la musique chrétienne, le candidat du Parti action citoyenne (PAC, la formation au pouvoir...

Stephon Clark was shot multiple times from behind by Sacramento police, pathologist says

READ MORE Sacramento police shot Stephon Clark seven times from behind, according to autopsy results released Friday by a pathologist hired by Clark’s family.  The findings call into question the police department’s assertion that the 22-year-old black man was facing officers and walking toward them when he was killed on March 18. Dr. Bennet Omalu, whose study of a degenerative brain condition in football players prompted the NFL to adopt new safety rules designed to prevent concussions, also concluded it took Clark up to 10 minutes to die. Police officers, concerned Clark could be alive and armed, waited about five minutes to approach him after the shooting in his grandparents’ backyard in Sacramento, Calif. Clark was not armed; police apparently mistook a cellphone in his hand for a gun. “The proposition … he was facing officers is inconsistent with prevailing forensic evidence,” Omalu said at a news conference with family attorney Benjam...

Paralyzed Quebec City mosque shooting survivor receives $400K to buy accessible home

READ MORE Aymen Derbali was visibly emotional as he accepted a cheque for more than $400,000 on Saturday night. After being left paralyzed from the chest down just over a year ago in a shooting at a Quebec City mosque, the father of three will never walk again. But he will be able to live in an accessible home with his family thanks to a crowdfunding campaign launched in December by Toronto-based non-profit group DawaNet, which garnered $416,335 to help Derbali purchase a home adapted to his disability. “Every second, I imagine myself playing with my children in the house,” Derbali said. “This gives me strength.” He received the cheque in front of hundreds of community members in the very room where he was shot seven times, at the Islamic Cultural Centre of Quebec City. “To be here after over a year of what happened, and to be part of something positive, something that Aymen can look forward to for his future with his family and kids… emotionall...

Video shows Palestinian shot dead with back to Israeli snipers

READ MORE Several videos circulating on social media purport to show unarmed Palestinian protesters being shot in the back or while praying by Israeli snipers. In one of the videos, a demonstrator – identified by relatives as 19-year-old  Abdelfattah Abdelnabi –  is shot in the back while running away from the border separating the Gaza Strip and Israel . The footage shows Abdelnabi and another Palestinian being just a few metres away from a small group of unarmed protesters. A loud shot rings out and Abdelnabi drops to the floor. According to the Palestinian health ministry, Abdelnabi died from his wounds. More than 100 snipers were deployed to the border for the planned demonstrations, according to Israeli media. In another video, a worshipper was shot in his right leg while he was performing Asr, the afternoon prayer, near an Israeli border fence. The group of Muslims praying next to him stopped their communal prayer before rushing to seek cover....

Rohingya Football Club to give 'happy news'

READ MORE A football team has been formed in Malaysia by Rohingya refugees who fled nearby Myanmar to raise their international profile and show what Rohingya can do when not suffering from oppression. Rohingya who escaped ethnic cleansing and massacres in Myanmar ‘s western Rakhine State to find refuge in Malaysia in 2015 founded the Rohingya Football Club (RFK) in Kuala Lumpur. “This team was founded to give Rakhine Muslims a voice in the world and show that Rakhine people can succeed as well,” Muhammed Nur, the club’s founder and chairman, told Anadolu news agency on Friday. “To date, we’ve heard bad news about the Rakhine. Our goal is to give happy news about the Rakhine,” he remarked. National team Rakhine Muslims are playing football all over the world, including teams in Canada, Australia, and Ireland, Nur said they hope to set up a national team from these clubs. Nur added that in 2020 the Confederation of Independent Football Associat...

Yémen: un incendie détruit d'importants stocks d'aide humanitaire au port de Hodeida

READ MORE Un incendie a détruit samedi d’importantes quantités d’aide humanitaire stockée dans des dépôts du Programme alimentaire mondial (PAM) dans le port de Hodeida, sur la mer Rouge, ont rapporté les autorités yéménites. Ce port, le plus grand du Yémen, est essentiel pour un pays dépendant des importations et qui, ravagé par une guerre meurtrière, connaît “la pire crise humanitaire au monde”, selon l’ONU. Le sinistre a été annoncé par l’agence Saba, contrôlée par les rebelles Houthis, qui a évoqué un “énorme incendie” et parlé de la destruction d’importantes quantités d’aide humanitaire. Un responsable local à Hodeida a indiqué à l’AFP que quatre dépôts du PAM ont été ravagés, estimant à 50 tonnes les quantités de produits alimentaires détruits....

Corruption à Fresnes: le directeur de prison incarcéré a été transféré en hôpital psychiatrique (avocat)

READ MORE L’un des directeurs de la prison de Fresnes (Val-de-Marne), mis en examen pour corruption et incarcéré jeudi, a été transféré en hôpital psychiatrique, a affirmé samedi son avocat à l’AFP. Placé en détention provisoire au centre pénitentiaire de Meaux (Seine-et-Marne) dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi, ce directeur en charge de la supervision d’un des trois bâtiments de la prison, Khalid El Khal, a “vrillé” à son arrivée en prison, selon son avocat Philippe Ohayon. Dans sa cellule où il était seul, les surveillants l’ont trouvé en fin de semaine “en train de faire une corde” avec un drap et commençant “à installer de quoi se pendre”, a affirmé Me Ohayon. Il a été transféré en hôpital psychiatrique, où “il est entravé pour ne pas qu’il porte atteinte à ses...

UN leader calls for independent probe after 15 killed at Gaza border protest

READ MORE UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is calling for an independent investigation into deadly clashes in Gaza between Palestinians and Israeli troops, while Security Council members urged restraint on both sides. The council didn’t decide on any action or joint message after an emergency meeting Friday evening. Kuwait convened it hours after the bloodiest day in Gaza since the 2014 cross-border war between Israel and Hamas, the Islamic militant group that rules the coastal strip. Fifteen people were killed and more than 750 wounded by Israeli fire as thousands of Palestinian protesters marched to Gaza’s border with Israel, the Palestinian Health Ministry said. The Israeli military said that thousands of Palestinians threw stones and rolled burning tires toward troops, that Palestinian gunmen fired toward soldiers in one incident and that militants were trying to conduct attacks under the cover of protests. Guterres wants “an independent and transpa...

Stephon Clark's family joins hundreds in rally demanding police reform

READ MORE The family of Stephon Clark joined hundreds of protesters at a rally Saturday, urging California’s capital city not to let his memory or calls for police reform fade nearly two weeks after the 22-year-old unarmed black man was killed by Sacramento officers. Clark’s fiancée, Salena Manni, stood on stage with his two young sons, grandmother and uncle for the gathering organized by Sacramento native and former NBA player Matt Barnes, who pledged to create a scholarship fund for the children of black men killed by police. “All he wanted to do was go see his sons again, and unfortunately he can’t,” Curtis Gordon, Clark’s uncle, said as he recalled seeing his nephew hours before the shooting. “So remember that — while we mourn, while we shout, while we cry — because it ain’t just our pain, it’s their pain.” Barnes amplified calls for charges against the two officers who are on administrative leave. “...

Stephen Hawking's funeral held in Cambridge

READ MORE Well-wishers filled the streets of Cambridge on Saturday for the funeral of British physicist Stephen Hawking, hailed by another leading scientist as “an imprisoned mind roaming the cosmos”. The physicist worked at Cambridge for more than half a century refusing to give up in the face of disability. He died this month, aged 76. Against all odds Hawking, crippled since a young man by a degenerative disease, beat the odds stacked against him to became the most celebrated scientist of his era. His work ranged from the origins of the universe itself, through time travel and probing black holes in space. He achieved international renown after the publication of “A Brief History of Time” in 1988. Confined to a wheelchair for most of his life after being diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease when he was 21, Hawking’s towering intellect and sheer persistence struck a chord with ordinary people, Astronomer Royal Martin Rees, said in an appreciation pub...

What's behind the protests in the Gaza Strip?

READ MORE UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has called for an independent investigation into the deaths of 17 Palestinians, who were shot by Israeli forces during Friday’s protests in the besieged Gaza Strip.  More than 1,400 protesters were injured – half of them by Israeli gunfire. The demonstrators were marking Land Day, which stems from March 30, 1976, when 2,000 hectares of land was confiscated from Palestinian citizens of Israel. Back then, six people died in subsequent protests.  As the two-state solution peace process crumbles, are frustrations rising? And can a Jewish majority in Israel be maintained if Palestinian refugees are ever allowed to return to their land? Presenter: Sami Zeidan Guests: Robbie Sabel, professor of Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a former legal adviser at Israel’s foreign ministry Issam Aruri – director, Jerusalem Legal Aid and Human Rights Centre Ali Abunimah – co-founder, Electronic Intifada, an inde...

Le grand-père violait une partie de sa famille, 12 ans de prison

READ MORE C’est le procès de viols familiaux qui ont débuté au début des années 1990 qui s’est achevé vendredi 30 dans la soirée. Le jury de la cour d’assises de la Haute-Garonne a rendu son verdict en condamnant un sexagénaire, ancien chauffeur de bus, à une peine de 12 ans de prison. Le retraité a été reconnu coupable d’avoir violé une partie de sa famille. Les premiers faits se sont déroulés en 1992 comme le rappelle La Dépêche du Midi . L’homme alors jeune quadragénaire a violé sa fille qui n’avait que six ans à l’époque. Or, le pervers a poussé le vice jusqu’à pratiquer des attouchements sexuels sur… la fille de sa première victime. C’est le compagnon de sa fille abusée qui a donné l’alerte en 2014 surprenant le grand-père en train de caresser l’enfant. Plainte déposé...

Syrie: l'avant-dernière enclave dans la Ghouta "vidée" des rebelles

READ MORE Les derniers bus transportant des rebelles et leurs proches évacuant la poche sud de la Ghouta orientale, aux portes de Damas, ont quitté samedi cette enclave, désormais “vidée” de ses combattants insurgés, a annoncé l’agence de presse officielle syrienne Sana. Des négociations entre les rebelles et la Russie, alliée du régime syrien, sont en cours pour trancher le sort de l’ultime poche insurgée dans la Ghouta orientale, autour de la grande ville de Douma, tenue par le groupe Jaich al-Islam. La reprise totale de la Ghouta marquerait une victoire retentissante pour le régime dans la guerre qui ravage la Syrie depuis 2011. Article source: Best Wordpress Plugin development company in India       Best Web development company in India

Walmart 'sincerely apologizes' over confusion around program for people with intellectual disabilities

READ MORE Walmart is apologizing two days after it said it would end involvement in a program that gives on-the-job training to people with intellectual disabilities in Quebec saying the announcement “created confusion.” Vice-president of corporate affairs for Walmart Canada Robert Nicol issued the statement Saturday that Walmart would continue to support people in the program. “Our goal was to find other ways to help people in these programs, including direct employment,” Nicol stated via email. He did not specify how the retailer would continue to help. He added that the way the initial announcement was handled confused and disappointed people and the company “sincerely apologizes for it.” Walmart ends its involvement in Quebec training program for people with intellectual disabilities Walmart announced last week that it will no longer participate in a program that gives training to people with intellectual disabilities. It announced at the ti...

Syrian army says it has regained control over most of eastern Ghouta

READ MORE The Syrian army command said on Saturday it had regained most of the towns and villages in eastern Ghouta and was pressing its military operations in the last rebel bastion of Douma. In a televised statement, the Syrian army spokesman said the weeks-long military campaign had now brought security to the Syrian capital, Damascus, and also secured its main links to other parts of the country, stretching north and all the way to the Iraqi border to the east. A last group of fighters and families had earlier left the main towns of Jobar, Zamalka, Arbeen and Ain Tarma. Footage on state television showed top army commanders entering by the same route the rebel convoys had used to leave. Tens of thousands of people have now evacuated once-bustling towns in the suburbs east of the capital, which had nearly two million people before the start of the conflict and were major commercial and industrial hubs. The army command...